


标签: 澳洲移民加拿大移民









下面,无忧移民人网整理了一下今天昆士兰最新的担保清单,请注意,下表里 √ 代表担保,X 代表不担保。表里的三年或五年工作经验代表的是毕业后的三年或五年提名职业相关工作经验。


QSOL - 489 & 190 Off-Shore

Queensland Skilled Occupation List for applicants not currently working in Queensland – Subclasses 190 and 489

ANZSCO Occupation
Subclass 489 Subclass 190
133111 施工项目经理 / Construction Project Manager √  √ 
133112 项目构建师 / Project Builder √  √ 
223311 培训和开发专员 / Training and Development Professional √  √ 
232111 建筑师 / Architect √  √ 
232112 景观设计师 / Landscape Architect √  √ 
232212 测量员 / Surveyor


Additional conditions apply. See note #3 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #3 below

233211 土木工程师 / Civil Engineer


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233212 岩土工程师 / Geotechnical Engineer


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233214 结构工程师 / Structural Engineer


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233215 交通工程师 / Transport Engineer


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233911 航空工程师 / Aeronautical Engineer


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233912 农业工程师 / Agricultural Engineer


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233913 生物医学工程师 / Biomedical Engineer


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233914 工程技师 / Engineering Technologist √  √ 
233915 环境工程师 / Environmental Engineer


Must have experience with mine site monitoring and remediation in coal seam gas sites. Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Must have experience with mine site monitoring and remediation in coal seam gas sites. Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

233916 海军建筑师 / Naval Architect √  √ 
233999 工程专业人员 NEC / Engineering Professionals nec


Must be a mechatronics or production site engineer. Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below


Must be a mechatronics or production site engineer. Additional conditions apply. See note #1 below

234611 医检师 / Medical Laboratory Scientist √  √ 
241111 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 / Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers

241411 中学教师 / Secondary School Teacher


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers. See note #2 for additional details.


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers. See note #2 for additional details.

241511 特别需要教师 / Special Needs Teacher


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.

241512 听力残疾儿童教师 / Teacher of the Hearing Impaired


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.

241513 视障教师 / Teacher of the Sight Impaired


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.

241599 特殊教育教师 NEC / Special Education Teachers nec


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.


Registration is required from the Queensland College of Teachers.

251211 医疗诊断放射技师 / Medical Diagnostic Radiographer √  √ 
251212 医疗放射治疗师 / Medical Radiation Therapist √  √ 
251213 核医学技师 / Nuclear Medicine Technologist √  √ 
251214 超声医师 / Sonographer √  √ 
251411 验光师 / Optometrist √  √ 
251511 医院药师 / Hospital Pharmacist


Additional conditions apply. See note #5 below

251513 零售药剂师 / Retail Pharmacist


Additional conditions apply. See note #5 below

252511 物理治疗师 / Physiotherapist √  X
251911 健康推广主任 / Health Promotion Officer √  X
251912 矫形器或义肢 / Orthotist or Prosthetist √  X
251999 健康诊断和促进专业人员NEC / Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec √  √ 
252311 牙科专家 / Dental Specialist √  √ 
252312 牙医 / Dentist √  √ 
252611 足科医生 / Podiatrist √  √ 
253111 一般医师 / General Medical Practitioner


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253112 驻院医生 / Resident Medical Officer


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253211 麻醉师 / Anaesthetist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253311 专家医师(全科医学) / Specialist Physician (General Medicine)


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253312 心脏病 / Cardiologist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253313 临床血液病 / Clinical Haematologist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253314 肿瘤科医生 / Medical Oncologist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253315 内分泌医生 / Endocrinologist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253316 胃肠病医生 / Gastroenterologist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253317 重症护理专家 / Intensive Care Specialist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253318 神经学家 / Neurologist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253321 儿科医生 / Paediatrician


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253322 肾内科专家 / Renal Medicine Specialist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253323 风湿病医生 / Rheumatologist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253324 胸腔医学专家 / Thoracic Medicine Specialist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253399 专科医师NEC / Specialist Physicians nec


Additional conditions apply. See note #4 below.

253411 精神科医生 / Psychiatrist


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253511 外科医生(一般) / Surgeon (General)


Additional conditions apply. See note #6 below

253915 病理学家 / Pathologist √  X
253917 诊断与介入放射 / Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist √  X
253918 放射肿瘤科 / Radiation Oncologist √  X
254111 助产士 / Midwife √ 


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

254411 护士执业 / Nurse Practitioner √  √ 
254412 注册护士(老年护理) / Registered Nurse (Aged Care) √  X
254413 注册护士(儿童和家庭健康) / Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) √  X
254414 注册护士(社区卫生) / Registered Nurse (Community Health)


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

254415 注册护士(重症监护和应急) / Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) √  X
254416 注册护士(发育障碍) / Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) √  X
254417 注册护士(残疾和康复) / Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

254418 注册护士(医疗) / Registered Nurse (Medical)


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

254421 注册护士(医疗实践) / Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

254422 注册护士(心理健康) / Registered Nurse (Mental Health) √  X
254423 注册护士(围手术期) / Registered Nurse (Perioperative) √  X
254424 注册护士(手术) / Registered Nurse (Surgical)


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

254425 注册护士(儿科) / Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

254499 注册护士NEC / Registered Nurses nec


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261111 ICT业务分析师 / ICT Business Analyst


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261112 系统分析 / Systems Analyst


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261212 Web开发人员 / Web Developer


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261311 分析程序员 / Analyst Programmer


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261312 开发程序员 / Developer Programmer


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261313 软件工程师 / Software Engineer


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261314 软件测试员 / Software Tester


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

261399 软件和应用程序的程序员制造业 / Software and Applications Programmers nec


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

263211 ICT质量保证工程师 / ICT Quality Assurance Engineer


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

263212 信息和通信技术支持工程师 / ICT Support Engineer


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

263213 ICT系统测试工程师 / ICT Systems Test Engineer


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

263299 ICT技术支持和测试工程师NEC / ICT Support and Test Engineers nec


Minimum of five years’ experience post qualification.

272613 福利工作员 / Welfare Worker


Minimum of three years' of work experience post qualification.

311211 麻醉技师 / Anaesthetic Technician √  √ 
311212 心脏技术员 / Cardiac Technician √  √ 
311213 医学实验室技术员 / Medical Laboratory Technician √  √ 
311214 手术室技师 / Operating Theatre Technician √  √ 
311215 药剂技术员 / Pharmacy Technician √  √ 
311216 珍藏病理学 / Pathology Collector √  √ 
311299 医技人员NEC / Medical Technicians nec √  √ 
312111 建筑制图员 / Architectural Draftsperson √  √ 
312112 建筑副理 / Building Associate √  √ 
312113 建筑检查员 / Building Inspector √  √ 
312114 建设估算 / Construction Estimator √  √ 
312115 水暖督察 / Plumbing Inspector √  √ 
312116 调查或科学空间技师 / Surveying or Spatial Science Technician


Bachelor degree for Surveying and Spatial Science


Bachelor degree for Surveying and Spatial Science

312199 建筑,建筑与测绘技术人员NEC / Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec √  √ 
312211 土木工程制图员 / Civil Engineering Draftsperson √  √ 
312212 土木工程技术员 / Civil Engineering Technician √  √ 
313111 硬件技术员 / Hardware Technician √  √ 
313112 ICT客户支持总监 / ICT Customer Support Officer √  √ 
313113 网络管理员 / Web Administrator √  √ 
313199 ICT支持技术人员NEC / ICT Support Technicians nec √  √ 
322211 钣金技工 / Sheetmetal Trades Worker √ 


Minimum of three years’ experience post qualification

322313 焊机(头等舱) / Welder (First Class) √  X
323214 金属机械师(头等舱) / Metal Machinist (First Class) √  X
331111 瓦工 / Bricklayer √  X
331211 卡彭特和乔伊纳 / Carpenter and Joiner √  X
331212 木匠 / Carpenter √  X
331213 细木工 / Joiner √  X
332211 绘画交易员 / Painting Trades Worker √  X
333211 石膏泥水匠 / Fibrous Plasterer √  X
351311 厨师 / Chef √  X
399916 塑料技术员 / Plastics Technician √  X
394111 橱柜制造商 / Cabinetmaker √  X
411511 土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民保健员 / Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker √  X



Note #1:Engineers - Applicants must have registration with the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland (BPEQ) unless already working under the supervision of a BPEQ registered engineer.


Note #2:Specialist teachers in the subjects of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Senior English, and Industrial Technology, Design (Manual Arts) and LOTE only.


Note #3:Cadastral Surveyors and those that certify Mine Plans are required to have registration with the Surveyors Board of Queensland


Note #4:Palliative Medicine Specialists, Geriatricians, Sleep Medicine Specialist and Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist only.

Note #5:Pharmacists must be registered with the Pharmacy Board of Australia, and meet the Board's registration standards in order to practise in Australia.


Note #6:Medical Practitioners must be registered in Australia, and meet the registration standards in order to practise in Australia.





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自从澳洲引入EOI甄选系统以来,澳洲移民越发是个技术活。 在当前澳洲移民政策下,不代表你够分了你就可以移民。而是你要在够分的基础上被 EOI选上才行。也就是大家都够分基础上,你最好在配额用完之前赶紧递交,同时尽量提高分数,让自己处于竞争性。本网接触了太多本身够分的人,就因为移民配额用完了,只能等后几个月的配额。移民赶早不赶晚是真理。